Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our little family is growing...

No, no, no... I'm not having babies. But we have added a new furbaby to our clan! For reference, this is Stanley. He's been part of the family longer than I have. Husband's rule was that if one of us "had to go," it was going to be me. Stanley stays regardless!


This is our newest addition, Nadia.


She's estimated to be about 10 months old, according to the good people of the SPCA. They rescued her from the pound, we adopted her from them. She already had a litter, none of which survived, and therefore is not likely to grow any bigger than she already is. For reference, she's approximately half the size of Stanley, who weighs something like 12 pounds. She was just spayed on Friday, so we've been struggling to keep her somewhat quiet. Easier said than done! She's queen of the guest bedroom right now, as we've been advised that keeping the two cats separated at first is the way to go. There is a big enough gap under the door that they can look at each other, Stanley can meow at her, and she can growl back...

Yesterday she was a little more mellow, but I slept in the guest room with her last night, and she woke me up MANY times. She's a head-butter: she'll bang her head right into you when she wants affection, which is ALL THE TIME. :) Stanley is a very lovable, friendly, affectionate cat, but Nadia is the ultimate cuddlebug. She fell asleep on my craft table next to the sewing machine, and is now curled up next to the bed. She seems to prefer the hard floor to the fleece blanket I put out for her. However, she must be feeling better today, because she was jumping repeatedly from the sewing table to the bed so I could pet her.

So that's what's new and exciting at the Flux Pavilion... what's new with everyone else?

1 comment:

Hermit on the Hill said...

Yeah! New kitty! She's cute! I have a "little" cat too. Not sure why she never got very big, but I'm glad.

Glad to see you posting again.