Saturday, July 19, 2008

Guess who offered to take me out to dinner?

Is this asshole SERIOUS?!?! Viagra is for a medical condition and birth control is a choice? Last time I checked, pregnancy is a medical condition, in fact, it's one that many women seek to avoid. Advair prevents people with asthma from having to use their rescue inhaler as often, so I guess we could consider Advair a choice too, right? Should insurance stop covering that? I know it's apples and oranges, but a stupid statement denying women any right to take charge of their fertility doesn't really deserve my energy in formulating a comparison any better than that.

And really... erectile dysfunction is inconvenient for someone who wishes to continue to have sex. But you know what? Erectile dysfunction itself, if untreated, isn't going to cause additional health issues. It's far more likely that there is an underlying health issue causing the ED.

Let's get to the heart of the issue here. Being sexually active is a choice. By no means am I trying to diminish the role sexuality plays in our lives. I'm also not saying that Viagra should NOT be funded... everyone deserves lifelong healthy sexuality. However, sexuality doesn't just mean intercourse. Intercourse is a choice. Bill O'Reilly's argument simply doesn't hold water here. I'm tired. It's been a long day. I'm rambling, and I don't know if any of this was even remotely intelligently constructed, but if Bill bought me dinner, I'd be happy to tell him precisely where he could put it. Or perhaps I could forward my invite on to McCain. I'm sure the two of them would have plenty to discuss over a bottle of wine.

P.S. - Birth control doesn't enable women to become perpetrators of sex crimes. 'Nuff said.

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